Hello everybody! My name is Katryna and this is my blog. As this is the first blog that I have made I will graciously accept any advise you have to give me and hope that you will forgive me if I make a few mistakes.
I am enjoying this class immensely and can't wait to delve deeper into the wonderful sea of stories and to once and for all be able to explain "the use of stories that aren't even true".
As I am a little late in getting this blog up and running, it makes sense that I have finished Haroun and the Sea of Stories so that is what I will be discussing in this, my first post.
Now, where to begin...
Well I will start by saying how much I enjoyed this book, it was a perfect adventure tale and it had a wonderful, happy ending, which is not always common, but definitely nice. As I was reading this book I kept thinking how much it reminded me of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. The colorfulness of the narration and the way in which Rushdie invented his own words and places was fabulous and followed in the footsteps of the aforementioned author.
Anyway, this book was fabulous and I can't wait to discuss and read more stories!!